

Journal papers




S. Boucenna, D. Cohen, A. N. Meltzoff, P Gaussier, M. Chetouani  

Robots Learn to Recognize Individuals from Imitative Encounters with People and Avatars. Scientific reports, 6, 2006 pdf



G. Pugach, A. Pitti, P. Gaussier , 

Neural learning of the topographic tactile sensory information of an artificial skin through a self-organizing map. Advanced Robotics, 2015,1-17. pdf


A. Jauffret, N. Cuperlier, P. Gaussier

 From grid cells and visual place cells to multimodal place cell: a new robotic architecture, Frontiers in Neurorobotics, Vol 9, 2015 pdf


A. de Rengervé, P. Andry, P. Gaussier

Online learning and control of attraction basins for the development of sensorimotor control strategies, Biological Cybernetics, Vol 109, No 2, p 255-274, 2015 pdf


S. Mahé, Braud, R., Gaussier, P., Quoy, M., & Pitti, A.

Exploiting the gain-modulation mechanism in parieto-motor neurons: Application to visuomotor transformations and embodied simulation. Neural Networks, 2015 pdf



Vidal, D. & Gaussier, P.
Un robot comme personne. Ontologies comparée et expérimentale au musée du quai Branly. Terrain. Revue d’ethnologie de l’Europe, (62), 152-165. 2014 pdf


Boucenna, S., Gaussier, P., Andry, P., & Hafemeister, L.
"A robot learns the facial expressions recognition and face/non-face discrimination through an imitation game." International Journal of Social Robotics 6.4 (2014): 633-652. pdf


Chatty A., Gaussier, P., Hasnain, S. K., Kallel, I., & Alimi, A. M.
The effect of learning by imitation on a multi-robot system based on the coupling of low-level imitation strategy and online learning for cognitive map building. Advanced Robotics, 1-13, 2014 pdf



Jauffret, A., Cuperlier, N., Tarroux, P., & Gaussier, P. .
From self-assessment to frustration, a small step toward autonomy in robotic navigation. Frontiers in neurorobotics, 7, 2013. link


Hirel, J., Gaussier, P., Quoy, M., Banquet, J. P., Save, E., & Poucet, B. 

The hippocampo-cortical loop: spatio-temporal learning and goal-oriented planning in navigation. Neural Networks, 43, 8-21, 2013 pdf


Pitti A., Kuniyoshi Y., Quoy M., Gaussier P.
Modeling the Minimal Newborn's Intersubjective Mind: The Visuotopic-Somatotopic Alignment Hypothesis in the Superior Colliculus, PLOS One open access journal, 2013 link 


Pitti A., Braud, R., Mahé, S., Quoy, M., & Gaussier, P. 

Neural model for learning-to-learn of novel task sets in the motor domain. Frontiers in Psychology, 4, 771. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2013.00771 , 2013, pdf


Hasnain S. K., Mostafaoui G., Gaussier P.
A Synchrony-Based Perspective for Partner Selection and Attentional Mechanism in Human-Robot Interaction, Journal of Behavioral Robotics, Special Issue on Advances in Developmental Robotics Volume 3, Issue 3 (2013) pp 156-171 pdf 


Lewkowicz, D., Delevoye-Turrell, Y., Bailly, D., Andry, P., & Gaussier, P. 

Reading motor intention through mental imagery. Adaptive Behavior, 1059712313501347,  2013 pdf  




C Hasson, P Gaussier and S Boucenna
Emotions as a dynamical system: the interplay between the meta-control and communication function of emotions, Journal of Behavioral Robotics, Vol 2, Issue 3, p 111-125, 2011 pdf


P. Andry, A. Blanchard, P. Gaussier
Using the Rhythm of Nonverbal Human-Robot Interaction as a Signal for Learning, IEEE trans. on autonomous mental development, Vol. 3, Number 1, p 30-42, 2011pdf




Ph. Laroque, N. Gaussier, N. Cuperlier, M. Quoy, Ph. Gaussier
Cognitive map plasticity and imitation strategies to improve individual and social behaviors of autonomous agents, Journal of Behavioral Robotics - 2010 pdf


Giovannangeli, C., & Gaussier, P.  

Interactive teaching for vision-based mobile robots: A sensory-motor approach. Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part A: Systems and Humans, IEEE Transactions on, 40(1),  13-28, 2010. pdf



Ph.Gaussier, P. Andry
Modeling development is crucial for building really adaptive Companions, IEEE Autonomous Mental Development Newsletter, Volume 6, Number 1, page 4--5 - 2009 pdf




V. Hok, P.P. Lenck-Santini, E. Save, Ph. Gaussier, J.-P. Banquet, B. Poucet
A test of the time estimation hypothesis of place cell goal-related activity, Journal of Integrative Neuroscience, Volume 6, Number 3 - sept 2007 pdf


Ph. Gaussier, J.-P. Banquet, F. Sargolini, C. Giovannangeli, E. Save, B. Poucet
A model of grid cells involving extra hippocampal path integration, and the hippocampal loop, Journal of Integrative Neuroscience, Volume 6, Number 3, page 447-476 - sep 2007 pdf


N. Cuperlier, M. Quoy, Ph. Gaussier
Neurobiologically inspired mobile robot navigation and planning, Frontiers in NeuroRobotics, Volume 1, Number 1 - 2007 pdf




N. Gaussier, Ph. Laroque, N. Cuperlier, S. Moga, M. Quoy, Ph. Gaussier
L'espace au coeur des stratégies individuelles : un regard croisé économie – robotique, REM (Revue de l'Economie Méridionale), Volume 54, Number 213, page 79--95 - jan 2006


C. Giovannangeli, Ph. Gaussier, J.-P. Banquet
Robustness of Visual Place Cells in Dynamic Indoor and Outdoor Environment, International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, Volume 3, Number 2, page 115--124 - jun 2006 pdf




Jean-Paul Banquet, Philippe Gaussier, Mathias Quoy, Arnaud Revel, Yves Burnod: A Hierarchy of Associations in Hippocampo-Cortical Systems: Cognitive Maps and Navigation Strategies. Neural Computation 17(6): 1339-1384 (2005) pdf




P. Andry, Ph. Gaussier, J. Nadel, B. Hirsbrunner
Learning Invariant Sensorimotor Behaviors: A Developmental approach to Imitation Mechanisms, Adaptive behavior, Volume 12, Number 2, page 117--138 - october 2004 pdf


J. Nadel, Revel,, A., Andry, P., Gaussier, P. (2004) Toward communication: first imitations in infants, children with autism and robots. Interdisciplinary Journal of Interaction Studies, vol 5, No 1, p 45-74 pdf




Mathias Quoy, Sorin Moga, Philippe Gaussier: Dynamical neural networks for planning and low-level robot control. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part A 33(4): 523-532 (2003) pdf




Philippe Gaussier, Arnaud Revel, Jean-Paul Banquet, V. Babeau: From view cells and place cells to cognitive map learning: processing stages of the hippocampal system. Biological Cybernetics 86(1): 15-28 (2002) pdf


Mathias Quoy, Philippe Laroque, Philippe Gaussier: Learning and motivational couplings promote smarter behaviors of an animat in an unknown world. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 38(3-4): 149-156 (2002) pdf





J.P. Banquet, P. Gaussier, M. Quoy and A. Revel (2001)
From reflex to planning: Multimodal, Versatile, Complex Systems in Biorobotics, Behavioral and Brain Science, vol. 24, No 6, p 1051-1053 pdf


P. Andry, Ph. Gaussier, S. Moga, J.-P. Banquet, J. Nadel
Learning and Communication in imitation: An autonomous robot perspective, IEEE Transactions on Man, Systems and Cybernetics, Part A: Systems and humans, Volume 31, Number 5, page 431--442 - 2001 pdf




P. Gaussier, C. Joulain, J.P. Banquet, S. Leprêtre et A. Revel (2000)
The visual homing problem: an example of robotics/biology cross fertilization, Robotics and Autonomous Systems, vol 30, p 155-180, 2000 pdf




P. Gaussier, C. Joulain , J.P. Banquet, A. Revel, S. Leprêtre and S. Moga (1999)
A neural architecture for autonomous learning, Industrial Robot, Vol 26, Num 1, 33-38 




Philippe Gaussier, Sorin Moga, Mathias Quoy, Jean-Paul Banquet (1998)
From Perception-Action Loops to Imitation Processes: A Bottom-Up Approach of Learning by Imitation. Applied Artificial Intelligence 12(7-8): 701-727 pdf


P. Gaussier, C. Joulain, J.P. Banquet and A. Revel (1998)
L’apprentissage de scènes visuelles complexes, journal suisse Informatik, Vol 1, p 30-34 pdf




Philippe Gaussier, Arnaud Revel, Cédric Joulain, Stéphane Zrehen: Living in a partially structured environment: How to bypass the limitations of classical reinforcement techniques. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 20(2-4): 225-250 (1997) pdf




P. Gaussier, S. Zrehen: Moving the frontiers between robotics and biology. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 16(2-4): (1995) pdf


P. Gaussier, S. Zrehen: PerAc: A neural architecture to control artificial animals. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 16(2-4): 291-320 (1995) pdf




P. Gaussier, S. Zrehen (1994)
Avoiding the World Model Trap: An Acting Robot Does Not Need to Be So Smart! Robotics & Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, Vol. 11, No. 4, pp 279-286, 1995 pdf  




P. Gaussier, J.P. Cocquerez (1992)
Simulation d’un systeme visuel comprenant plusieurs aires corticales: Application a la reconnaissance de scenes complexes, revue de Traitement du Signal, Vol 8 (6), p 441-466 pdf



Book chapters


Lagarde, M., Andry, P., Gaussier, P., Boucenna, S., & Hafemeister, L. 

Proprioception and imitation: on the road to agent individuation. In From motor learning to interaction learning in robots (pp. 43-63). Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2010

Canamero L. & Gaussier P. , Emotion: Robots as tools and models: In Nadel & Muir (Eds). Emotional development: recent research advances. Oxford: Oxford University Press. P. Andry, Ph. Gaussier, Voir l'invisible, Ecrins, page 203--205 – 2004 chapter_lola_philippe2b.pdf


P. Andry, Ph. Gaussier, S. Moga, J. Nadel
Approche dynamique de la cognition artificielle, Hermes, ISBN 2-7462-0583-1 - 2003


P. Andry, P. Gaussier, S. Moga, J. Nadel (2002)
Imitation et interactions sociales : une approche neuro-cybernétique, dans Approche dynamique de la cognition artificielle, A. Guillot et E. Daucé Eds, Hermes, Lavoisier, p 199-235 


P. Gaussier, M. Quoy, A. Revel, S. Leprˆetre et J.P. Banquet (2002)
Catégorisation dynamique : de l’apprentissage sensori-moteur à la reconnaissance de lieux, dans Approche dynamique de la cognition artificielle, A. Guillot et E. Daucé Eds, Hermes, Lavoisier, p 147-162 


P. Gaussier (2002)
La modélisation des boucles perception-action et leur application en robotique, p 283-303, dans ”Percevoir, s’orienter et agir dans l’espace: approche pluridisciplinaire des relations perception-action” sous la direction de Y. Coello et J. Honoré, SOLAL 


P. Gaussier, S. Moga et J.P. Banquet (2002)
Des boucles perception-action `a l’imitation. Une approche ascendante de l’apprentissage par imitation en robotique, p 153-188, dans ”Imiter pour découvrir l’humain: psychologie, neurobiologie, robotique et philosophie de l’esprit”, sous la direction de J. Nadel et J. Decety, PUF 


P. Gaussier, S. Leprêtre, M. Quoy, A. Revel, C. Joulain et J.P. Banquet (2000)
Experiments and models about cognitive map learning for motivated navigation, p 53-94, in Interdisciplinary approaches to robot learning, J. Demiris and A. Birk eds, in Robotics and Intelligent Systems Series, World Scientific 


M. Quoy, P. Gaussier, S. Leprêtre, A. Revel, C. Joulain, J.P. Banquet (2000)
A planning map for mobile robots: speed control and paths finding in a changing environment, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence Series, 1812, J.L. Wyatt and J. Demiris (Eds), Springer. p 103-119 


J.P. Banquet, P. Gaussier, J.L. Contreras et Burnod Y. (1998)
A Neural Network model of memory, amnesia and cortico hippocampal interactions, p 123-189, in Fundamentals of neural network modelling for neuropsychologists, R. Park and D. Levine Eds, Boston MIT Press 


J.P. Banquet, P. Gaussier, J.C. Dreher, C. Joulain, A. Revel (1997)
Space-Time, Order and Hierarchy in Fronto-Hippocamal System: A Neural Basis of Personality, p 123-179, Cognitive Science Perspectives on Personality and Emotion, edited by G. Matthews, Elsevier Science BV Amsterdam banquet_gaussier_Dreher_joulain_revel97.pdf


P. Gaussier, S. Zrehen (1994)
A Constructivist Approach for Autonomous Agents, Artificial Life in Virtual Reality Thalmann D. & N.eds, pp 97-114, John Wiley & Sons, London 





Conference papers




Jean-Paul Banquet , Philippe Gaussier, Mathias Quoy, E. Save, F. Sargolini, B. Poucet  

Representation-Implementation Trade-Off in Cortico-Limbic Ganglio-Basal Loops. In Advances in Cognitive Neurodynamics, Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Cognitive Neurodynamics (pp. 189-198). Springer Netherlands, 2014. banquet_gaussier_quoy_save_sargolini_poucet2014.pdf


Braud, R., Mostafaoui, G., Karaouzene, A., & Gaussier, P.  

Simulating the Emergence of Early Physical and Social Interactions: A Developmental Route through Low Level Visuomotor Learning. In From Animals to Animats 13 (pp. 154-165). Springer International Publishing, 2014.

Hasnain, S. K., Mostafaoui, G., Grand, C., & Gaussier, P. 

Synchrony based side by side walking: an application in human-robot interactions. In Proceedings of the second international conference on Human-agent interaction (pp. 121-124). ACM, 2014, October

Delarboulas, P., Gaussier, P., Caussy, R., & Quoy, M. 

Robustness Study of a Multimodal Compass Inspired from HD-Cells and Dynamic Neural Fields. In From Animals to Animats 13 (pp. 132-143). Springer International Publishing, 2014

Chatty, A., Gaussier, P., Karaouzene, A., Bouzid, M., Kallel, I., & Alimi, A. M. 

Coupling Learning Capability and Local Rules for the Improvement of the Objects’ Aggregation Task by a Cognitive Multi-Robot System. In From Animals to Animats 13 (pp. 290-299). Springer International Publishing, 2014

Grand, C., Mostafaoui, G., Hasnain, S. K., & Gaussier, P.

Synchrony Detection as a Reinforcement Signal for Learning: Application to Human Robot Interaction. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 126, 82-91, 2014



Chatty, A., Gaussier, P., Kallel, I., Laroque, P., & Alimi, A. M.  

Learning by imitation for the improvement of the individual and the social behaviors of self-organized autonomous agents. In Advances in Swarm Intelligence (pp. 44-52). Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013.

Chatty, A., Gaussier, P., Kallel, I., Laroque, P., Pirard, F., & Alimi, A. M. 

Evaluation of Emergent Structures in a'Cognitive'Multi-Agent System Based on On-line Building and Learning of a Cognitive Map. Agents and Artificial Intelligence, 269-275, 2013

De Rengervé, A., Hanoune, S., Andry, P., Quoy, M., & Gaussier, P.  

Building specific contexts for on-line learning of dynamical tasks through non-verbal interaction. In Development and Learning and Epigenetic Robotics (ICDL), 2013 IEEE Third Joint International Conference on (pp. 1-6), 2013.

Grand, C., Mostafaoui, G., Hasnain, S. K., & Gaussier, P. 

Combining Synchrony and shape detection to sustain the robot focus of attention on a selected human partner. In IEEE Joint conference on Development and learning and on Epigenetic Robotics, 2013

Hanoune, S., Quoy, M., & Gaussier, P. 

Goal conditioning throw mutimodal categorisation in a simulation of rat navigation. BMC Neuroscience, 14(Suppl 1), p 137, 2013

Jauffret, A., Grand, C., Cuperlier, N., Gaussier, P., & Tarroux, P.  

How can a robot evaluate its own behavior? A neural model for self-assessment. In Neural Networks (IJCNN), The 2013 International Joint Conference on (pp. 1-8), 2013

Jauffret, A., Belkaid, M., Cuperlier, N., Gaussier, P., & Tarroux, P. 

Frustration as a way toward autonomy and self-improvement in robotic navigation. In Development and Learning and Epigenetic Robotics (ICDL), 2013 IEEE Third Joint International Conference on (pp. 1-7), 2013

Karaouzene, A., Gaussier, P., & Vidal, D. 

A robot to study the development of artwork appreciation through social interactions. In Development and Learning and Epigenetic Robotics (ICDL), 2013 IEEE Third Joint International Conference on (pp. 1-7), 2013

Mostafaoui, G., Hasnain, S. K., Salesse, R., Marin, L., & Gaussier, P.  

Intuitive Human Robot Interaction based on unintentional synchrony: a psycho-experimental study. In IEEE Joint conference on Development and learning and on Epigenetic Robotics, 2013

Pitti, A., Kuniyoshi, Y., Quoy, M., & Gaussier, P.  

Explaining neonate facial imitation from the sensory alignment in the superior colliculus. In Development and Learning and Epigenetic Robotics (ICDL), 2013 IEEE Third Joint International Conference on (pp. 1-2), 2013.

Pugach, G., Khomenko, V., Melnyk, A., Pitti, A., Henaff, P., & Gaussier, P.

Electronic hardware design of a low cost tactile sensor device for physical human-robot interactions. In Electronics and Nanotechnology (ELNANO), 2013 IEEE XXXIII International Scientific Conference (pp. 445-449). 2013



Bailly, D., Andry, P., & Gaussier, P. Learning anticipatory motor control. In Development and Learning and Epigenetic Robotics (ICDL), 2012 IEEE International Conference on (pp. 1-2) 2012, November

Boucenna, S., Delaherche, E., Chetouani, M., & Gaussier, P. (2012, November). Learning postures through an imitation game between a human and a robot. In Development and Learning and Epigenetic Robotics (ICDL), 2012 IEEE International Conference on (pp. 1-2). IEEE.

Chatty A., Khursheed Hasnain S., Gaussier P., Kallel I., Laroque P., M. Alimi A.

Effect of a Low Level Imitation Strategy on an Autonomous Multi-Robot System Using On-Line Learning for Cognitive Map Building, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO 2012), China, pp. 1452-1457 (2012)


Chatty A., Gaussier P., Kallel I., Laroque P., Alimi A.M.

Adaptation Capability of Cognitive Map Improves Behaviors of Social Robots, Proceedings - IEEE Conference on Development and Learning and Epigenetic Robotics (ICDL-EpiRob 2012), USA (pp. 1-6) (2012)

Hasnain S. K., Gaussier P., Mostafaoui G.

"Synchrony" as a Way to Choose an Interacting Partner, IEEE Conference on Development and Learning and Epigenetic Robotics, USA, pp. 1-6 (2012)


Hanoune S., Quoy M., Gaussier P.

An architecture for online chunk learning and planning in complex navigation and manipulation tasks, IEEE Conference on Development and Learning and Epigenetic Robotics - ICDL Epirob, USA (2012)


Pitti A., Blanchard A., Cardinaux M., Gaussier P.

Gain-Field Modulation Mechanism in Multimodal Networks for Spatial Perception, 2012 12th IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots . Business Innovation Center Osaka, Japan, p. 297-302, 2012  


Pitti A., Blanchard A., Cardinaux M., Gaussier P.

Distinct Mechanisms for Multimodal Integration and Unimodal Representation in Spatial Development, ICDL-EpiRob 2012 : IEEE Conference on Development and Learning and Epigenetic Robotics, USA, p. 1-6, 2012


Hasnain S. K., Gaussier P., Mostafaoui G.

Synchrony as a Tool to Establish Focus of Attention for Autonomous Robots, IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Portugal (2012)


De Rengervé A., Braud R., Andry P., Gaussier P.

Behavior adaptation from negative social feedback based on goal awareness, 2012 IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning (ICDL) - Epigenetics and Robotics (Epirob) - USA, pp. 1-6 (2012)


Jauffret A., Cuperlier N., Gaussier P., Tarroux P.

Multimodal integration of visual place cells and grid cells for navigation tasks of a real robot, From Animals to Animats 12 - 12th International Conference on Simulation of Adaptive Behavior, From Animals to Animats SAB 2012, Danemark, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 136-145 (2012)





De Rengervé A., Hirel J., Quoy M., Andry P., Gaussier P.

On-Line Learning and Planning in a Pick-and-Place Task Demonstrated Through Body Manipulation, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning (ICDL) and Epigenetic Robotics (Epirob), Allemagne (2011)


De Rengervé A., Andry P., Gaussier P.

A Neural Network Generating Force Command for Motor Control of a Robotic Arm, International Workshop on bio-inspired robots, France (2011)


De Rengervé A., Hirel J., Quoy M., Andry P., Gaussier P.

A simple neural network controller merging different behaviors for collector robots, International Workshop on bio-inspired robots, France (2011)


Hirel J., Gaussier P., Quoy M.

Biologically inspired neural networks for spatio-temporal planning in robotic navigation tasks, Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO), 2011 IEEE International Conference on - Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO), Thaïlande (2011)


De Rengervé A., Andry P., Gaussier P.

A developmental approach of imitation to study the emergence of mirror neurons in a sensory-motor controller, BIO Web of Conferences 1 (2011) 74




Abdelhak Chatty, Ilhem Kallel, Adel M. Alimi, Philippe Gaussier:

Fuzzy counter-ant for avoiding the stagnation of multirobot exploration. SMC 2010: 3358-3365


Sylvain Chevallier, Nicolas Cuperlier, Philippe Gaussier

Efficient Neural Models for Visual Attention. ICCVG (1) 2010: 257-264


Hafemeister L., Gaussier P., Maillard M., Boucenna S., Giovannangeli C.
Perception: Insights from the Sensori-Motor Approach, European Workshop of Visual Information Processing (EUVIP 2010) , France (2010) GaussierArticleInviteEUVIP10.pdf


Antoine Hiolle, Lola Cañamero, Pierre Andry, Arnaud J. Blanchard, Philippe Gaussier: Using the Interaction Rhythm as a Natural Reinforcement Signal for Social Robots: A Matter of Belief. ICSR 2010: 81-89


Hirel J., Gaussier P., Quoy M., Banquet J.-P., Poucet B.
Space and time-related fring in a model of hippocampo-cortical interactions, BMC Neuroscience - CNS, États-Unis (2010) Hirel2010_CNS_Hippocampo-cortical_interactions.pdf


Hirel J., Gaussier P., Quoy M., Banquet J.-P.
Why and How Can Hippocampal Transition Cells Be Used in Reinforcement Learning ? in From Animals to Animats 11 - SAB, France (2010) 359-369 Hirel2010_SAB_RL_transitions.pdf


Hirel J., Gaussier P., Quoy M.
Model of the Hippocampal Learning of Spatio-temporal Sequences, Neural Networks - ICANN (3), Grèce, p 345-351 (2010) Hirel2010_ICANN_Hipp_timing.pdf


Sébastien Razakarivony, Philippe Gaussier, Fathi Ben Ouezdou

From Force Control and Sensory-Motor Informations to Mass Discrimination. SAB 2010: 221-231


Hasson C., Boucenna S., Gaussier P., Hafemeister L.
Using Emotional Interactions for Visual Navigation Task Learning
in Proceedings of the International Conference on Kansei Engineering and Emotion Reasearch -KEER 2010 , p1578-1587, France (2010) Hasson_Boucenna_Keer2010.pdf 


Hasson C., Gaussier P.
Frustration as a Generical Regulatory Mechanism for Motivated Navigation
in Proceeding of IROS 2010 - International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Sytems, Taïwan, Province De Chine (2010) HassonGaussier_IROS2010.pdf


Cyril Hasson, Philippe Gaussier
From Conditioning of a Non Specific Sensor to Emotional Regulation of Behavior. ICANN (2) 2010: 317-326 HassonGaussierICANN2010.pdf


Cyril Hasson, Philippe Gaussier: Path Integration Working Memory for Multi Tasks Dead Reckoning and Visual Navigation. Proceedings of Simulation of Adaptive Behavior'10 SAB 2010: 380-389 HassonGaussier_SAB_2010_submit.pdf


Sofiane Boucenna, Philippe Gaussier, Laurence Hafemeister, Kim Bard
Autonomous Development of Social Referencing Skills. SAB 2010: 628-638 boucenna_sab2010.pdf


Boucenna S., Gaussier P., Andry P., Hafemeister L.
Imitation as a Communication Tool for Online Facial Expression Learning and Recognition
IROS (2010) IROS10.pdf


Matthieu Lagarde, Pierre Andry, Philippe Gaussier, Sofiane Boucenna, Laurence Hafemeister: Proprioception and Imitation: On the Road to Agent Individuation. From Motor Learning to Interaction Learning in Robots 2010: 43-63


De Rengervé A., Boucenna S., Andry P., Gaussier P. 

Emergent imitative behavior on a robotic arm based on visuo-motor associative memories, IROS 2010 IROS10_1301_FI.pdf




Ken Prepin, Philippe Gaussier: How an Agent Can Detect and Use Synchrony Parameter of Its Own Interaction with a Human? COST 2102 Training School 2009: 50-65 DetectAndReUseSynchrony-PrepinGaussier-fulltext.pdf


Boucenna S., Gaussier P., Hafemeister L., Bard K.

Towards a new social referencing paradigm
epirob (2009) Pages 201-202 ETIS_boucenna_epirob_v3.pdf


Lagarde M., Andry P., Gaussier P.

Distributed Real Time Neural Networks In Interactive Complex Systems


Lagarde M., Andry P., Giovannangeli C., Gaussier P.

Learning New Behaviors : Toward a Control Architecture Merging Spatial and Temporal Modalities.





Giovannangeli C., Boucenna S., Gaussier P.

About the constructivist role of auto-evaluation in interactive learnings and self-development, IROS (2008) 


Andry P., Gaussier P., Lagarde M., Boucenna S., Hafemeister L.

Proprioception and imitation: on the road to agent individuation, IROS (2008) pages Andry_Gaussier_proprio_individuation_IROS_workshop_2008.pdf


Matthieu Lagarde, Pierre Andry, Philippe Gaussier

Distributed real time neural networks in interactive complex systems. CSTST 2008: 95-100 lagarde2008.pdf


Christophe Giovannangeli, Philippe Gaussier

Autonomous vision-based navigation: Goal-oriented action planning by transient states prediction, cognitive map building, and sensory-motor learning. IROS 2008: 676-683


Nicolas Cuperlier, Philippe Gaussier, Mathias Quoy

Interest of Spatial Context for a Place Cell Based Navigation Model. SAB 2008: 169-178


Giovannangeli C., Boucenna S., Gaussier P.

About the constructivist role of auto-evaluation in interactive learnings and self-development, IROS (2008) pages GioBouGau_IROS08.pdf




Nicolas Cuperlier, Mathias Quoy, Philippe Gaussier: 

Navigation and Planning in an Unknown Environment Using Vision and a Cognitive Map. EUROS 2006: 129-142


Christophe Giovannangeli, Philippe Gaussier: 

Human-Robot Interactions as a Cognitive Catalyst for the Learning of Behavioral Attractors. RO-MAN 2007: 1028-1033


C. Giovannangeli, Ph. Gaussier (2007) 

Human-Robot Interactions as a Cognitive Catalyst for the Learning of Behavioral Attractors, 16th IEEE Int.l Symp. on Robot and Human Interactive Communication 2007, page 1028-1033 


C. Giovannangeli, Ph. Gaussier (2007) 

Orientation System in Robots: Merging Allothetic and Idiothetic Estimations,13th International Conference on Advanced Robotics (ICAR07), page 349-354 ICAR07_Giovannangeli_Gaussier.pdf


Christophe Giovannangeli, Philippe Gaussier, Gael Désilles: 

Robust Mapless Outdoor Vision-Based Navigation. IROS 2006: 3293-3300


Matthieu Lagarde, Pierre Andry, Philippe Gaussier: 

The Role of Internal Oscillators for the One-Shot Learning of Complex Temporal Sequences. ICANN (1) 2007: Volume 4668, 934-943, ETIS_Lagarde07.pdf


Philippe Laroque, E. Fournier, P. H. Phong, Philippe Gaussier: Cognitive map plasticity and imitation strategies to extend the performance of a MAS. IAS 2006: 326-333




Nadel, J., Simon, M., Canet, P., Soussignan, R., Blancard, P., Canamero, L., Gaussier, P.
Human responses to an expressive robot. In Procs of the Sixth International Workshop on Epigenetic Robotics. Lund University. (2006) pdf


P. Andry, Ph. Gaussier (2006) 

The low-level mechanisms of autonomous and intuitive Human-robot interactions. International Conference on Robotics Science and Systems, RSS06, Workshop on Intuitive Human-Robot Interactions: "how to get the job done ? “


N. Cuperlier , M. Quoy , C.Giovannangeli , Ph. Gaussier , Ph. Laroque (2006) 

Transition Cells for navigation and planning in an unknown environment. The Society For Adaptive Behavior SAB'2006, page 286-297


N. Cuperlier , M. Quoy , Ph. Gaussier (2006) 

Navigation and planning in an unknown environment using vision and a cognitive. Proc. of European robotic Symponium '2006, page 129-142 


C. Giovannangeli, Ph. Gaussier , G. Désilles (2006) 

Robust Mapless Outdoor Vision-based Navigation. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and systems.


Ph. Laroque, E. Fournier, H.P. Pham, Ph. Gaussier (2006) 

Cognitive map plasticity and imitation strategies to extend the performance of a MAS. Proc. of IAS-9, Intelligent Autonomous Systems




P. Andry, Ph. Gaussier , J. Nadel (2005) 

Autonomous Learning and Reproduction of Complex Sequence: a multimodal architecture for bootstrapping imitation games. Proceedings of the Fith Internationnal Workshop on Epigenetic Robotics, Modeling Cognitive development in robotic Systems, page 97—100. Andry_Epirob05.pdf


N. Cuperlier , Ph. Gaussier , Ph. Laroque , M. Quoy (2005) 

Goal and motor action selection using an hippocampal and prefrontal model. Modelling Natural Action Selection, page 100-106.


N. Cuperlier , M. Quoy , Ph. Gaussier , C. Giovannangeli (2005) 

Navigation and planning in an unknown environment using vision and a cognitive map. IJCAI-05 Workshop: Reasoning with Uncertainity in Robotics (RUR-05), page 48—53


N. Cuperlier , M. Quoy , Ph. Gaussier (2005) 

Transition cells and neural fields for navigation and plann. IWINAC05, page 346—355


C. Giovannangeli, Ph. Gaussier, J.-P. Banquet (2005) 

Robot as a tool to study the robustness of visual place cells. I3M'2005: International Conference on Conceptual Modeling and Simulation (CMS 2005), page 97—104


M. Maillard, Olivier Gapenne, Laurence Hafemeister, Philippe Gaussier

Perception as a Dynamical Sensori-Motor Attraction Basin. Advances in Artificial LifeECAL 2005: 37-46


Prepin, K., Gaussier, P., Revel, A., Nadel, J. (2005)

A formal approach of developmental robotics and psychology : application to the study of a joint attention architecture. In : Fifth International Conference on Epigenetic Robotics. Nara, Japan (p163-164). 




J.-P. Banquet , Y. Burno , Ph. Gaussier , M. Quoy , A. Revel (2004) Spatial representation versus navigation through hippocampal, prefrontal and ganglio-basal loops. International Joint Conference on Neural Networks.


N. Cuperlier , Ph. Laroque , P. Andry , Ph. Gaussier (2004) 

Learning to Plan and Build Experience via Imitation in a Social Environment. Proc. of ASC/IASTED'2004 (Artificial intelligence and Soft Computing / International Association of Science and TEchnology for Development).


N. Cuperlier , Ph. Laroque, Ph. Gaussier ,M.Quoy (2004) 

Planning and navigation strategies using transition cells and neural fields. Proc. of ASC/IASTED'2004 (Artificial intelligence and Soft Computing / International Association of Science and TEchnology for Development). 


Gaussier, P., Baccon, J.C., Prepin, K., Nadel, J., Hafemeister, L. (2004)

Formalization of recognition, affordances and learning in isolated or interacting animats. In : The Society for Adaptive Behavior SAB’04, MIT Press. – Los Angeles, CA, USA, July 2004. gaussier_SAB04.pdf


Gaussier P., Prepin, K., Nadel J (2004) 

Toward a Cognitive SystemsAlgebra: Application to facial expression learning and imitation, in Embodied Artificial Intelligence, F. Iida, R. Pfeifer, L. Steels and Y. Kuniyoshi (Eds.), published by LNCS/LNAI series of Springer, p 243-258


Gaussier P., Baccon J.C., Prepin, K., Nadel J, Hafemeister L. (2004) 

Formalization of recognition, affordances and learning in isolated or interacting animats, in SAB’2004, p 57-66.


P. Laroque, N. Cuperlier, P. Gaussier (2004) 

Impact of imitation on the dynamics of animat populations in a spatial cognition task, IAS 04. 




Philippe Gaussier, Pierre Andry, Jean-Paul Banquet, Mathias Quoy, Jacqueline Nadel, Arnaud Revel

Robots as Models of the Brain: What Can We Learn from Modelling Rat Navigation and Infant Imitation Games? AIME 2003: 377-386


Philippe Gaussier, Ken Prepin, Jacqueline Nadel

Toward a Cognitive System Algebra : Application to Facial Expression Learning and Imitation. Embodied Artificial Intelligence 2003: 243-258


Sorin Moga, Philippe Gaussier: Artificial Neural Network for Sequence Learning. IJCAI 2003: 1507-


Sorin Moga, Philippe Gaussier, Jean-Paul Banquet: Sequence Learning Using the Neural Coding. IWANN (1) 2003: 198-205




P. Andry, P. Gaussier, J. Nadel 

Development of the first sensori-motor stages : A condition to imitation, 7th Conference of Society for Adaptive Behavior, SAB2002. Andry_Gaussier_SAB2002.pdf


P. Laroque, M. Quoy and P. Gaussier (2002)
Learning and motivational couplings promote smarter behaviors of an animat in an unknown world,
European Workshop on Learning Robots, EWLR02, Prague, p 25-31, 2002 


J.P. Banquet, P. Gaussier and M. Quoy and A. Revel and Y. Burnod (2002)
Place cells, maps, and navigation strategies: Processing steps of the cortico-hippocampal system, IJCNN02, Honolulu, Hawai 


J.P. Banquet P. Gaussier, M. Quoy, A. Revel and Y. Burnod (2002)
Cortico-Hippocampal Maps and Navigation Strategies in Robots and Rodents, From animals to animats 7, SAB02, MIT Press, p 141-150 banquet_gaussier_SAB_2002.pdf


P. Andry, P. Gaussier et J. Nadel (2002)
From Visuo-Motor Development to Low-level Imitation, p 2-15 Proceedings of the second
workshop on Epigenetic Robotics (Lund University Cognitive Studies, 94) Andry_Gaussier_EPIROB2002.pdf




P. Gaussier (2001)
Toward a cognitive system algebra : a perception/action perspective, Proceedings of the
European Worshop on Learning Robots (EWRL), Prague gaussier_ewrl01_long_version.pdf


J.P. Banquet, P. Gaussier, A. Revel, S. Moga and Y. Burnod (2001)
Sequence Learning and Timing in Hippocampus, Prefrontal Cortex and Accumbens, Interna-
tional Joint Conference on Neural Networks, Washington, DC, p 1053-1058 


Sorin Moga, Philippe Gaussier, Mathias Quoy

Investigating Active Pattern Recognition in an Imitative Game. IWANN (2) 2001: 516-523


P. Andry, P. Gaussier, J. Nadel
Simulations of dynamical interactions for social learning




J.P. Banquet, P. Gaussier, A. Revel and Y. Burnod

A Hippocampal Model of Visually Guided Navigation as Implemented by a Mobile Agent. IJCNN (2) 2000: 41-48


Mathias Quoy, Sorin Moga, Philippe Gaussier, Arnaud Revel

Parallelization of Neural Networks Using PVM. PVM/MPI 2000: 289-296 EUROPVM2000_Quoy_Moga.pdf


P. Gaussier, S. Leprêtre, M. Quoy, A. Revel, C. Joulain, and J.P. Banquet. 

Interdisciplinary approaches to robot learning, volume 24, chapter Experiments and models about cognitive map learning for motivated navigation, pages 53-94. Robotics and Intelligent Systems Series, World Scientific, ISBN 981-02-4320-0,2000. EWRL_Book_gaussier_quoy.pdf


P. Andry, S. Moga, P.Gaussier, A. Revel and J. Nadel (2000)
Imitation : learning and communication, SAB2000, Zurich, MIT Press 


Sacha Leprêtre, Philippe Gaussier and Jean-Pierre Cocquerez (2000)
From Navigation to Active Object Recognition, SAB2000, Zurich, MIT Press 


M. Quoy and S. Moga and P. Gaussier and A. Revel (2000)
Parallelization of Neural Networks using PVM, in Recent Advances in Parallel Virtual Machine and Message Passing Interface, J. Dongarra and P. Kacsuk and N. Podhorszki eds.,  Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, no 1908, p 289-296 




I. Fijalkow, P. Gaussier (1999)
Self-organizing Blind MIMO Deconvolution using Lateral-Inhibition, in Proc. ICA-99, Aussois
(France) mimo_wta_ica99.pdf


I. Fijalkow, P. Gaussier (1999)
Self-organizing Blind MIMO Deconvolution, in Proc. IEEE HOS-99, Cesarea (Israel)


P. Gaussier, A. Revel, and J.P. Banquet. 

From view cells and place cells to cognitive maps learning: The hippocampus as a spatio-temporal memory. In H. Mallot, editor, Navigation in Biological and Artificial Systems, Max-Planck-Institut fÜr biologische Kybernetik, TÜbingen, Germany, 1999. gaussier_tubingen_1999.pdf


Sorin Moga, Philippe Gaussier

A Neural Structure for Learning by Imitation. ECAL 1999: 314-318 moga_gaussier_ECAL99.pdf


Mathias Quoy, Philippe Gaussier, Sacha Leprêtre, Arnaud Revel

A Neural Model for the Visual Navigation and Planning of a Mobile Robot. ECAL 1999: 319-323 ECAL99_moga_gaussier.pdf


Arnaud Revel, Philippe Gaussier, Jean-Paul Banquet: Taking inspiration from the Hippocampus can help solving robotics problems. ESANN 1999: 357-362 ESANN99_revel_gaussier.pdf


Mathias Quoy, Philippe Gaussier, Sacha Leprêtre, Arnaud Revel, Jean-Paul Banquet

A Planning Map for Mobile Robots: Speed Control and Paths Finding in a Changing Environment. EWLR 1999: 103-119 LNAI_quoy_gaussier.pdf




Olivier Gallet, Philippe Gaussier, Jean Pierre Cocquerez: A Model of the Visual Attention to Speed up Image Analysis. ICIP (1) 1998: 246-250


P. Gaussier, S. Leprêtre, C. Joulain, A. Revel, M. Quoy et J.P. Banquet (1998) Animal and
robot learning: experiments and models about visual navigation, Seventh European Workshop
on Learning Robots, Edinburgh, UK EWLR98_gaussier_lepretre_joulain.pdf


L. Hafemeister and P. Gaussier (1998)
Contribution of a dynamic model for texture perception, European Conference on Visual
Perception, ECVP’98, Oxford, England 


S. Moga and P. Gaussier (1998)
Neural model of motion discrimination, ECVP, Oxford, England 


A. Revel, P. Gaussier, S. Leprêtre, JP. Banquet (1998)
Planification versus sensory-motor conditioning: what are the issues ? In From Animals to
Animats : Simulation of Adaptive Behavior SAB’98, p 129-138, MIT Press revel_gaussier_lepretre_SAB98.pdf




C. Joulain, P. Gaussier, A. Revel, B. Gas (1997)
Learning to build visual categories from Perception-Action associations IROS’97 Grenoble,
1997 IROS97_joulain_gaussier_revel.pdf


P. Gaussier, C. Joulain, S. Zrehen, J.P. Banquet, A. Revel (1997)
Visual Navigation in an open environment without map IROS’97, p 545-550, Grenoble IROS97_gaussier_joulain_zrehen.pdf


P. Gaussier, C. Joulain, S. Moga, M. Quoy, and A. Revel. Autonomous robot learning: What can we take for free ?
In International Symposium on Industrial Electronics - ISIE'97,pages SS1-SS6, Gumaraes, Portugal, July 1997. IEEE. 


P. Gaussier, S. Moga, J.P. Banquet and M. Quoy (1997)
From Perception-Action loops to imitation processes: A bottom-up approach of learning by
imitation, Socially Intelligent Agents, AAAI fall symposium, Boston, pp 49-54 


S. Zrehen and P. Gaussier (1997)
Building grounded symbols for localization using motivations, p 299-308, Proceedings of the
Fourth European Conference on Artificial Life ECAL97, Phil Husbands and Inman Harvey
Ed., Brighton, UK 




O. Gallet, P. Gaussier et J.P. Cocquerez (1996)
A parallel singularity amplifier model for focusing visual attention, European Conf. on Visual
Perception, p 74 


P. Gaussier, C. Joulain et A. Revel (1996)
How action allows to segregate ob jects in a visual scene, European Conf. on Visual Perception 


P. Gaussier, C. Joulain A. Revel, J.P. Banquet (1996)
Are shaping techniques the Correct Answer for the Control of Visually Guided Autonomous
Robots ? UKACC Int. Conf. On CONTROL’96, IEE, p 1248-1253 Control96_gaussier_joulain_revel_banquet.pdf


M. Quoy and P. Gaussier and C. Joulain and A. Revel (1996)
Dynamics of cortical maps coding ob jects for robot vision, Dynamics of Neural Networks,
DYNN’96, Toulouse dynn96_quoy_gaussier_joulain.pdf



P. Gaussier, S. Zrehen (1994)
Complex Architectures for Autonomous Agents, Proceedings of PerAc, Lausanne, p 278-290, IEEE Press gaussier_zrehen_PerAc94.pdf


S. Zrehen, P. Gaussier (1994)
Why Topological Maps are Useful for Learning in an Autonomous Agent, Proceedings of PerAc, pp 230-242, Lausanne, IEEE Press zrehen_gaussier_PerAc94.pdf


P. Gaussier, S. Zrehen (1994)
Navigating with an Animal-Like Brain: A neural Networks for Landmark Identification and Navigation, Proceedings of Intelligent Vehicles, Paris, IEEE Press, p 399-404 IntelligentVehicle94_gaussier_zrehen.pdf


P. Gaussier, S. Zrehen (1994)
A Topological Neural Map for On-Line Learning: Emergence of Obstacle Avoidance, Pro-
ceedings of SAB, From Animals to Animats 94, Brighton, pp 182-190, MIT Press 




P. Gaussier, J.P. Cocquerez (1992)
Neural Networks for complex scene recognition: simulation of a visual system with several
cortical areas, International Join Conference on Neural Networks Baltimore, IEEE Press, Vol 3, p 233-259 


Gaussier, J.P Cocquerez (1992)
Neural Network for the simulation of a visual system , IEEE-EMBS92 Paris. 


Internal report




French conferences


P. Gaussier, S. Zrehen (1994)
Laissez-les agir! Une approche constructiviste des robots autonomes à l’aide de réseaux de
neurones, Neurosciences et Sciences pour l’Ingénieur NSI 94, Chamonix. 


O. Gallet, P. Gaussier, J.P. Cocquerez (1996)
Focalisation de l’attention visuelle: Un modèle parallèle d’amplification de singularité, pp
237-240, NIS 96, Marly-le-Roi 


C. Joulain, P. Gaussier, A. Revel (1996)
Apprentissage de catégories sensori-motrices par un robot autonome, pp 31-34, NSI 96, Marly-
le-Roi NSI96_joulain_gaussier_revel.pdf


A. Revel, P. Gaussier, C. Joulain (1996)
Une règle de conditionnement probabiliste pour le contrôle de robots autonomes, pp 49-52,
NSI 96, Marly-le-Roi NSI96_revel_gaussier_joulain.pdf


O. Gallet, P. Gaussier, M. Quoy and J.P. Cocquerez (1997)
Un modèle de l’attention visuelle pour faciliter l’analyse d’images, Journées Internationales
d’Orsay sur les Sciences Cognitives, JIOSC’97. 


P. Gaussier, C. Joulain, S. Zrehen, J.P. Banquet and A. Revel (1997)
Navigation Visuelle dans un environnement ouvert: reconnaissance de vues panoramiques,
GRETSI’97, Grenoble, France 


C. Joulain, A. Revel, J.P. Banquet and P. Gaussier (1997)
Naviguer dans un environnement ouvert en s’inspirant des “cellules de lieux”, JIOSC’97,
Orsay, France 


S. Moga, P. Gaussier and M. Quoy (1997)
Imitation et perception du mouvement, Neurosciences et Sciences de l’Ingénieur, NSI’97 


M. Quoy, O. Gallet, P. Gaussier (1997)
Implémentation parallèle d’un système de focalisation de l’attention, GRETSI 1997, Grenoble 


C. Joulain, P. Gaussier (1998)
Un modèle neuronal pour expliquer la reconnaissance d’un lieu ou d’une vue, NSI 98 NSI98_joulain_gaussier.pdf


S. Lepretre, P. Gaussier (1998)
Utilisation d’une carte cognitive pour le problème de la sélection de l’action dans un cadre
multi-motivationnel, NSI 98 NSI98_lepretre_gaussier_revel.pdf


S. Moga, P. Gaussier (1998) 

Apprentissage par imitation, NSI 98


A. Revel and P. Gaussier

Planification ou conditionnement : où est le problème ? In Neurosciences et sciences pour l'ingénieur NSI98, Colmar, 1998. NSI98_revel_gaussier.pdf


S. Leprêtre, P. Gaussier, J.P. Cocquerez, 

Un Modèle Neuronal pour la Reconnaissance d'Objets, GRETSI 99, 435-438, France,1999.


S. Moga and P. Gaussier

Les champs neuroniques comme outil de représentation des informations visuelles. In Journées des jeunes chercheurs en réseaux de neurones, Lausanne, 8-9 avril 1999.


S. Moga, P. Gaussier, 

Les champs dynamiques, GRETSI 99, 515-518, 1999. GRETSI99_moga_gaussier.pdf


M. Quoy, P. Gaussier, S. Leprêtre, A. Revel, and J.P. Banquet. 

Sélection de l'action par apprentissage dans une carte de planification : application aux environnements dynamiques. In Intelligence Artificielle Située, IAS99, Paris, october 1999. quoy_gaussier_IAS99.pdf